All Roads Lead to Home -Paving the Way for Healthy Lifestyles, Strong Families, and Caring Communities

Board of Directors and Policy Council

The Board of Directors of Crossroads Youth & Family Services has the authority and legal and moral responsibility for the operation and funding of the agency.

Crossroads’ Board consists of representatives who reflect the geographic, economic, cultural, social, and other appropriate areas served by Crossroads YFS and who volunteer their time for this purpose. The Board includes at least one person with a background in fiscal management, one with expertise in early childhood education, and a licensed attorney.

Board meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month at Crossroads’ corporate offices at
1333 W. Main Street in Norman, Oklahoma.

Another Board position is reserved for a member of the Head Start/Early Head Start Policy Council, to be elected by the Council in September and seated in October of each year.  Crossroads’ Policy Council is required by federal rules governing the Head Start program, and its purpose is to participate in shared decision-making with the Board of Directors and the agency’s administration for the efficient and effective provision of Head Start services.

It consists of both Head Start and Early Head Start parents elected by local parent groups and community representatives elected by the Policy Council.

Policy Council members are elected for one program year and may not serve more than three (3) years in a lifetime.

Members of Crossroads’ Board of Directors and Policy Council are as shown below:

FY 2018 Board of Directors
Officers                        Members
Grant Hall, CPA
Beverly Felton, R.N.
Rhonda Weber
Clent Stewart
Wendy Swatek, J.D.
Vice Chair  
Past Chairman     
Rhonda Baldwin
Sharon Pyeatt
Becky Tannery
Gerald Murray
Robbie Gillis
​Hye Son Hill, Policy Council Member 
Lori Thrower
Sean Tuschmann
Golda Slawinski

Lisa Winters, M.P.A.               

FY 2018 Policy Council
Officers   Members
​Lateai Goring
Ronelle Baker
Emily Irwin
Hye Son Hill
Board Liaison
Lakrya Henry
Paul Norman
​Megan Walker
​Marilyn Rainwater
​Carlene Rahman
Joleta Casey
Andre Wilson
Raechelle Snake
Leroy Giles